WODs 240310 - 240317

 3/10 - 3/17



5 x 3 reps

Increase weight on each set.

These are not touch and go. Get a good set up for each lift.


3 Rounds for max reps at each station

45 seconds: Air Bike, Calories

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Strict Chest To Bar Pull-ups

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Alternating KB Snatch (55/35)

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Box Jumps (24/20)

Rest 15 seconds

Rest 1 minute between rounds


Back Squat

5 x 7 reps

Increase weight on each set

Front Squat

3 x 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM


Tabata Front Plank

Tabata Side Plank

Tabata Hollow Hold

Tabata Side Plank


Power Clean

5 x 5 reps (touch and go, don’t let the barbell rest on the floor)

Increase weight on each set


3 Rounds for max reps at each station

45 seconds: Row, Calories 

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Wall Balls

Rest 45 seconds

45 seconds Alternating KB Cleans (55/45)

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Burpees Over KB

Rest 15 seconds

45 seconds: Box Step-ups (20 inch box) (45/25 bumper plate)

Rest 15 seconds

Rest 1 minute between rounds


Shoulder Press

5 x 7 reps

Increase weight on each set


4 minutes:

Run 400 Meters

Max Rep Russian KB Swings(70/55)

4 minutes:

Run 400 Meters 

Max Rep Strict Pull-ups

4 minutes:

Run 400 Meters

Max Rep Ring Push-ups


CrossFit Games Open 24.3

 Games Open 24.3

All for time: 

5 rounds of:     
    10 thrusters (95/65) scaled (65/45)
    10 chest-to-bar pull-ups scaled (jumping chest to bar pull-ups)

Rest 1 minute, then:

5 rounds of: 
    7 thrusters (135/95) scaled (95/65)
    7 bar muscle-ups scaled (chin over bar pull-ups)

Time cap: 15 minutes


Power Clean

5 x 5 reps

Increase weight on each set


3 Rounds For Time

9 Ring Dips

12 Push Press (95/65)

15 Russian KB Swings (70/55)

Run 200 Meters

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