WODs 250105 - 250111




DB Bench Press 

Back Squats @ 60%

Strict Chin-ups


Box Step-ups (20/20)


KB Gorilla Rows


Lying DB Skull Crushers


Jack Knife Sit-ups

Bumper Plate Russian Twist (15/10)

For the DB bench press, gorilla rows and DB skull crushers use a weight where you have 2-3 reps left in reserve.

Move from station to station with minimal rest.


20 minute AMRAP

Row 20/16 Calories

15 Hang Power Clean (95/65)

30 Double-unders



Incline DB Bench Press

Front Squat @ 60%

DB Curl To Overhead Press

Max Rep Banded Triceps Push Down


Hip Extension

Hanging Knee Raises 

KB Cross Body Chop (12R/12L, 10R/10L, 8R/8L, 6R/6L)

For the DB incline bench press and DB curl to overhead use a weight where you have 2-3 reps left in reserve.

Move from station to station with minimal rest.


20 minute EMOM

Minute 1: 10 Russian KB Swings + 5 Burpees

Minute 2: 7 KB Clean From Floor + 5 Burpees

Minute 3: 7 KB Clean From Floor + 5 Burpees

Minute 4: 10 Ring Rows + 5 Burpees

Minute 5: Rest

Men 55lbs/Women 35lbs


3 Rounds

12 DB Fly + DB Crush Bench Press

12R/12L Bulgarian Split Squat-Single DB

12 Pendlay Rows

24 Floor Wipers

12 Ring Dips

DB 21’s Curls

For the DB fly + DB Crush Bench press, Bulgarian split squat, Pendlay rows and 21’s curls use a weight where you have 2-3 reps in reserve. 


7 Rounds For Time

4 Dead-lift (225/155)

8 Burpee Pull-ups

12 Russian KB Swing (70/55)

Row 24 Calories

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