WODs 250309 - 230315



Power Clean

7 x 3 reps

Increase weight on each set

Front Squat

5 x 3 reps @ 85%


10 minute AMRAP

25 Double-unders

15 Push-ups

5 Chest To Bar Pull-ups


3 Rounds For Time

Row 500 Meters

Rest 30 seconds

20 Russian KB Swings

Rest 30 seconds

10R/10L KB Swing Clean & Press

Rest 30 seconds

20 KB Goblet Squats

Rest 30 seconds

20 Sit-ups (feet anchored by the KB)

Rest 1 minute between rounds


Power Snatch

7 x 3 reps

Increase weight on each set

Snatch Balance

5 x 3 reps @ 75% of max weight on power snatch


20 minute AMRAP

10 Deadlifts (185/115)

12 Hand Release Push-ups

15 Box Jumps (24/20)


Shoulder Press

7 x 3 reps

Increase weight on each set


Death By Russian KB Swing and Burpees

Minute 1: 1 KB swing + 1 Burpee

Minute 2 : 2 KB swings + 2 Burpees

Minute 3: 3 KB swings + 3 Burpees

Minute 4: 4 KB swings + 4 Burpees

Keep adding one rep to each exercise until failure to complete all reps in one minute.


2 Rounds For Time

Row 30 Calories

25 Toes To Bar

20 Wall Balls (20/14)

15 Power Cleans (135/95)

10 Ring Muscle-ups

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