
WODs 250119 - 250125

1/19-1/25 Monday 12-10-8-6 DB Bench Press (+5lbs from 1/5) Back Squats @ 65% Strict Chin-ups 24-20-16-12 DB Reverse Lunges KB Gorilla Rows 12-10-8-6 Strict Toes To Bar 24-20-16-12 KB Dead Bug Bicycle Tuesday 4 Rounds 45 seconds work/15 seconds rest for max reps at each station Battle Rope Box Jumps or Step-ups Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14) Push Press (75/55) Air Bike-Calories Rest 2:00 minutes between rounds Wednesday 3 Rounds 8 Incline Barbell Bench Press 8 Squat Cleans (135/95) 16 Ring Dips 16 Weighted Single Leg Push Off (20/20) (8 each leg) 8 DB Curl To Overhead Press 16 V-ups 16 Hip Extensions  Thursday Row 1,000 Meters Then, 3 Rounds of 10 Pull-ups 20 Push-ups 30 Sit-ups 40 Air Squats Then, 100 Double-unders or 200 Single-unders Friday 12-10-8-6 Dead-lift @ 70% of 1RM Shoulder Press @ 70% Bulgarian Split Squats* Lying DB Pull Over* Cross Body Hammer Curl* Lying DB Skull Crusher* 24-20-16-12 Jack Knife Sit-ups  *As Heavy As Possible. Leave 2-3 reps in reserve. Saturday 5 R...

WODs 250112 - 250118

1/12-1/18 Monday 20 minute AMRAP 5 Strict Handstand Push-ups 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 15 Russian KB Swings (70/55) Tuesday Back Squat 5 x 5 Reps* Front Squat* 5 x 3 Reps *Increase weight on each set  WOD 10 minute EMOM 3 Double KB Swing Cleans 2 Double KB Shoulder Press 3 Double KB Front Rack Squat Wednesday 3 Rounds For Time Row 25 Calories 20 Toes To Bar 15 Wall Balls (20/14) 10 Power Cleans (135/95) 5 Ring Muscle-ups Thursday Bench Press 5 x 8 Reps @ 75% of 1RM Strict Pull-us 5 x Max Rep WOD Max Rep Single or Double-unders 3 x 90 seconds Rest 30 seconds Friday Row 500 Meters Then, 4 Rounds 20 Air Squats 15 Ring Push-ups 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65) Then, Row 500 Meters Saturday 4 Rounds 2 Rope Climb 6 Devils Press (pick weight)* 12 DB Alternating Reverse Lunges (pick weight)* *use the same pair of DB’s for both exercises

WODs 250105 - 250111

  1/5-1/11 Monday 12-10-8-6 DB Bench Press  Back Squats @ 60% Strict Chin-ups 24-20-16-12 Box Step-ups (20/20) 24-20-16-12 KB Gorilla Rows 12-10-8-6 Lying DB Skull Crushers 24-20-16-12 Jack Knife Sit-ups Bumper Plate Russian Twist (15/10) For the DB bench press, gorilla rows and DB skull crushers use a weight where you have 2-3 reps left in reserve. Move from station to station with minimal rest. Tuesday 20 minute AMRAP Row 20/16 Calories 15 Hang Power Clean (95/65) 30 Double-unders Wednesday 12-10-8-6 Incline DB Bench Press Front Squat @ 60% DB Curl To Overhead Press Max Rep Banded Triceps Push Down 24-20-16-12 Hip Extension Hanging Knee Raises  KB Cross Body Chop (12R/12L, 10R/10L, 8R/8L, 6R/6L) For the DB incline bench press and DB curl to overhead use a weight where you have 2-3 reps left in reserve. Move from station to station with minimal rest. Thursday 20 minute EMOM Minute 1: 10 Russian KB Swings + 5 Burpees Minute 2: 7 KB Clean From Floor + 5 Burpees Minute 3: 7...

WODs 241229 - 250104

12/29-1/4 Monday 5 Rounds For Time  15 Russian KB Swings 5R/5L KB Swing Clean-Reverse Lunge-Overhead Press 10 KB Goblet Squats 10 KB Crush Push-ups 20 Overhead KB Sit-ups Tuesday 5 Rounds For Time Row 15/12 Calories 15 Air Squats 10 Strict Pull-ups 15 Push-ups 20 Hanging Knee Raise Rest 2 minutes between rounds Wednesday  3 Rounds For Max Reps At Each Station 1 minute: Incline DB Bench Press (50’s/35’s) 1 Minute: Ring Rows 1 Minute: Russian KB Swings (55/35) 1 Minute: Air Bike, Calories Rest 1 minute between Rounds  Thursday Back Squat 10-8-6-4-2 Increase weight on each set WOD  For Time Row 2000 Meters Friday 3-6-9-12-15 Thrusters (95/65) 15-12-9-6-3 Pull-ups Saturday 3 Rounds For Time Row 500 Meters 15 Deadlifts (185/115) 10 Burpee Box Jumps