3/10 - 3/17 Monday Snatch 5 x 3 reps Increase weight on each set. These are not touch and go. Get a good set up for each lift. WOD 3 Rounds for max reps at each station 45 seconds: Air Bike, Calories Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Strict Chest To Bar Pull-ups Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Alternating KB Snatch (55/35) Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Box Jumps (24/20) Rest 15 seconds Rest 1 minute between rounds Tuesday Back Squat 5 x 7 reps Increase weight on each set Front Squat 3 x 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM WOD Tabata Front Plank Tabata Side Plank Tabata Hollow Hold Tabata Side Plank Wednesday Power Clean 5 x 5 reps (touch and go, don’t let the barbell rest on the floor) Increase weight on each set WOD 3 Rounds for max reps at each station 45 seconds: Row, Calories Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Wall Balls Rest 45 seconds 45 seconds Alternating KB Cleans (55/45) Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Burpees Over KB Rest 15 seconds 45 seconds: Box Step-ups (20 inch box) (45/25 bumper plate) Rest 15 s...