WODs 240331 - 240406
3 /31 - 4/6 Monday 10 minute EMOM 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance WOD 9 minute AMRAP/REP 3-6-9-12-15-18-21… Overhead Squats (95/65) Pull-ups Tuesday 10 Rounds 8 Russian Kettlebell Swings 8R/8L Kettlebell Swing Clean & Push Press 8R/8L Alternating Kettlebell Goblet Lunge 8 Kettlebell Crush Push-ups Rest 60 seconds between rounds Wednesday 4 rounds Bench Press 12 reps @ 70% of 1RM Pendlay Row 12 reps @ 65% of Power Clean 1RM Box Back Squats 12 reps @ 70% of 1 RM Elevated Glute Bridge 20 reps hold for 3 count on each rep Max Rep DB Curl to Overhead Press (pick weight) Max Rep Banded Triceps Push Down AbMat Sit-ups, 20 reps Hanging Diagonal Knee Raise, 20 reps Thursday Deadlift 5 x 5 reps Increase weight on each set WOD 3 Rounds For Time 20 Calorie Row 15 Box Jumps 10 Pull-ups 5 Wall Walks Friday 20 minute AMRAP Run 200 Meters 20 Air Squats 15 Push-ups 10 Supine Ring Rows Saturday 15 minute AMRAP/REP 3-6-9-12-15-18-21…. Box Jumps (24/20) P...